Monday, October 15, 2018


Welcome to Flickers of Hope Beauty!

I am Jessica or Jess

I have the opportunity to be a wife to an awesome hard working husband (11 years baby), second a stay at home mom to the 2 coolest kids in town, and 3rd I get to be a hairstylist and makeup artist... It's seriously the best life!!

First off, Thank you so much for being here and becoming part of the Flicker tribe. I love connecting with new people and making new friends from around the world.

I am a cosmetologist (for the past 10 years) and makeup artist for the past (5 years). I love what I do!

I became a Maskcara Beauty Artist January 2018 and have loved it!! Not only do I love the products but I have made some of the best friends along the way.

I am so honored that women allow me in to their lives. It seriously is the coolest job ever!!

 I get that it can be very vulnerable to show me your face with out makeup on and all your imperfections... but let me tell you a secret, I don't really see them, I can look past that and see all the beauty that each individual has. And another thing, EVERYONE has imperfections and things they don't like, EVERYONE!

So enough about me- I want to know about you. Where are you from? Do you have Children? What is your favorite treat? Do you have a favorite book?

Love Jess

PS you can also find me on instagram, facebook and twitter.

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