Monday, October 29, 2018

Flicker Thoughts

So one reason why I wanted to start and do a blog is because there is so much more to me than beauty and makeup... and sometimes it's hard to show that on a little square of Instagram and Facebook.

For those of you that don't know, I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Yesterday I sat down and listened to this song on repeat a few times.

Tears built up in my eyes.

 I really hope that I can teach my kids when they have their doubts that they will have faith to do exactly what this song says.

If you haven't listened to it... you should!!

Back in October 2016 I had just suffered from my third miscarriage and I  didn't have any idea what the future held for me.

My faith was shattered and I really doubted everything I had believed in my whole life.

I had so many unanswered questions, and the love that people spoke of from our Heavenly Father and Savior felt so far away.

I started reading the Book of Mormon... and Nephi became my hero and a friend. I realized that he suffered the same things that Lamen and Lemual suffered but it was his choices and actions that led him to be faithful and to believe in God.

I had a choice placed before me, I could be like Nephi or I could be like his brothers. I could choose to have faith like Joseph Smith or I could turn away.

I could choose to have faith like so many faithful and amazing women that had suffered the same heart wrenching things I had faced... or I could turn away and let my doubts creep in.

I am so glad I stuck it out and I choose to do what this song says. I slowly found little flickers of light and hope, and I felt Gods love again.

I know there is a loving Heavenly Father and a Savior that has paid the price for me to return back to live with them.

I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and he restored his church upon the face of the earth.

I know that we can be with our families forever!!

The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and I love to read and learn from it!! I know it is true. It has blessed my life in so many ways.

If you would like to learn more about what I believe you can visit here... 

Or if you would like your own copy of the Book of Mormon feel free to message me, I would love to send you one!!

Love ya,
Jessica Smith

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