Tuesday, March 5, 2019

flicker thoughts.. YOU CAN'T STEAL MY HAPPY

I love quotes! This is one I had on a magnet given to me when I was really young. I often think about this reminder. We are as happy as we make up our minds to be... we have a choice. Now I get that depression and anxiety are real and hard, and you can't just "snap" out of those... that's not what I am talking about here. We are all delta trials and hard things in life. We are all facing our own battles. It's up to us to choose to be kind, it's up to us to choose how we are going to handle those hard battles.
When I was struggling with one of our miscarriages... I am sad to say I handled it in a very bitter, angry way... and that's ok. It was important for me to go through those feelings... but I can assure you I bet I wasn't very pleasant to be around.
In contrast I think about Sam Durst. Sam is trapped in a body that he cant move, walk, and has been bound in a wheel chair his whole life. However Sam is one of the most pleasant people to be around. He has a heart of gold and doesn't let his body limit what he can do. He also has a great sense of humor. He serves in the temple, he serves at the local homeless shelter, he serves at an assisted living home.
I think the trick here is service... Service helps us get outside of ourselves. Service helps us love others. Service helps remind us that our trails are not so bad... I don't know about you but I've never wanted to trade my trails for others trail.
My Dad use to always tell me... Sometimes bad things happen to us because we make bad choices. But most of the time bad things happen to good people because that's life. and when those bad times come we need to get out and serve.
One of my mottos lately- YOU CAN'T STEAL MY HAPPY!
The world is going to try and drag us down. Haters going to Hate, right!?
Satan is a master at getting us to think less of ourselves. Satan doesn't want us to be happy and he is going to do everything in his power to stop us from being happy.
Again, if we look to Christ and his example, In his greatest trials he was serving his people. So no Satan, not today. You can't steal my happy today!!
Now I am done with my soap box. :)
What do you do to help you choose happy?
Do you have a favorite quote? Please share it with us!
Thanks for being here.
Love ya,
PS- Shirt from this etsy shop
Lips- Napa (lipsense message me to order)
Blush- Black Cherry
Eyes and face- Maskcara beauty

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